Catalogue of Good Practices on Inclusive Schools

Catalogue of Good Practices on Inclusive Schools
The Catalogue of Good Practices on Inclusive Schools supports the extensive work that ETUCE has done in the past years on equality and inclusion in education. The main aim of this Catalogue is to create a resource on building and maintaining sustainable inclusive learning in environments in various national and local contexts with the view to provide education trade unions and their affiliates with concrete and innovative tools and methods of social inclusion in the education and teaching profession. It presents a wide range, yet not an exhaustive overview, of inspiring practices that have been gathered in the framework of various ETUCE projects and initiatives.
Education Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE)
learning environment, sustainable society, inclusive education
Marginalized & Vulnerable group:
System wide approach, Gender inequalities, Inclusive Pedagogy & Practices, Language of Instruction, Physical Learning Environment, Educational Staff Professional Development, Violence & Bullying
Level of Education:
Across the education sector
Type of Resources:
Guidelines and Tools
Europe & North America
Language of Publication: