Education For All 2015 National Review Bangladesh

EFA 2015 National Review
At the invitation of UNESCO to assess critically EFA progress and challenges, the Bangladesh EFA 2015 review has been undertaken. It was led by the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education (MoPME) and was carried out with the involvement of key stakeholders including civil society. The national EFA review is intended to indicate progress made so far on EFA goals, point to challenges in the run-up to 2015 and beyond and contribute to the discourse on education priorities and strategies beyond 2015. Participation in education has expanded remarkably in Bangladesh since the 1990s. Close to universal initial enrolment in primary education has been achieved. Gender equality in enrolment at the primary and secondary levels is another internationally acclaimed accomplishment. Literacy rate among the young adult populations estimated to have reached the 78.63 percent mark.
Education for all
Marginalized & Vulnerable group:
System wide approach
Level of Education:
Across the education sector
Type of Resources:
National Policy & Legislation Documents
Asia & the Pacific
Language of Publication: