Five Key Messages for Inclusive Education

This document presents five key messages that summarise an essential part of the work of the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education over the last decade. It addresses relevant issues in the field of inclusive education: 1. As early as possible: the positive impact of early detection and intervention, as well as of pro-active measures; 2. Inclusive education benefits all: the positive educational and social impact of inclusive education; 3. Highly qualified professionals: the importance of having highly qualified professionals in general, and teachers in particular; 4. Support systems and funding mechanisms: the need for well-established support systems and related funding mechanisms; 5. Reliable data: the important role played by data, as well as benefits and limitations of its use.
This document presents five key messages that summarise an essential part of the work of the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education over the last decade. It addresses relevant issues in the field of inclusive education:
- As early as possible: the positive impact of early detection and intervention, as well as of pro-active measures;
- Inclusive education benefits all: the positive educational and social impact of inclusive education;
- Highly qualified professionals: the importance of having highly qualified professionals in general, and teachers in particular;
- Support systems and funding mechanisms: the need for well-established support systems and related funding mechanisms;
- Reliable data: the important role played by data, as well as benefits and limitations of its use.
European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education
early as possible, professional development, data; all learners, support systems
Marginalized & Vulnerable group:
System wide approach
Level of Education:
Across the education sector
Type of Resources:
Research & Policy Papers
Europe & North America
Language of Publication: