School feeding for inclusion: brief on inclusion in education

School feeding for inclusion: brief on inclusion in education
This policy brief is part of a series of briefs that seek to answer various questions that policy-makers and key stakeholders have about the planning and implementation of inclusive education policies and practices. The Briefs are a follow-up to the UNESCO International Forum on Inclusion and Equity in Education held in Cali, Colombia in September 2019.

Inclusion and equity in education can be improved when there are investments in children’s health and nutrition through well-designed school feeding programmes that provide food to children in school. Both a social safety net and a school health intervention, school feeding provides an opportunity for education systems to address multiple barriers at once. Three elements are key for school feeding to contribute to the inclusion of all children in education: mobilizing sustainable funding for scaling-up, paying attention to programme design, and ensuring integration with complementary activities through multi-sectoral policies and coordination.


health, nutrition, school feeding, inclusive education systems, inclusive education
Marginalized & Vulnerable group:
System wide approach, Inclusive Pedagogy & Practices
Level of Education:
Across the education sector
Type of Resources:
Research & Policy Papers
All, Africa, Arab States, Asia & the Pacific, Europe & North America, Latin America & the Caribbean
Language of Publication: